FY24 CoC Competition
The 2024 Continuum of Care (CoC) Competition is currently underway. The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is available and can be accessed here. Proposals must be submitted electronically to [email protected] by 5:00 pm CST on September 30, 2024. To...
FY23 LA-506 CoC Application Submitted
The FY 2023 CoC-approved Consolidated Application and Project Priority Listing have been submitted and are available on the CoC Applications Page.
NHC Resource Guide Now Available
Check out the new NHC Northshore Resource Guide.
Homelessness Amongst Households with Children in St. Tammany Parish – 2017
The Northlake HMIS Data Project recently conducted an analysis of Coordianted Access and Assement System (CAAS) data for the Northlake Homeless Coalition. Reviewing enrollments in CAAS in 2017 for St. Tammany Parish, they determined that 45% of all households served...
Finding from the 2014 Northlake Homeless Coalition Homeless Census
May 16, 2013 – Through the work of twenty-three human service organizations, the annual count of persons experiencing homelessness took place during the week of February 25th, 2013. In total, two hundred seventy-six (276) men, women, and children were identified...
Save The Date: The 2013 Louisiana Homeless Census, February 25th-March 1st
Save The Date: The 2013 Louisiana Homeless Census, February 25th-March 1st Each year communities across the country attempt to count the number of persons experiencing homelessness during a single night. In Louisiana, we refer to this as the Point-in-Time...
2012 State of Louisiana Homeless Report has been released
A Census of persons experiencing homelessness in the State of Louisiana was conducted during the last week of January 2012. On January 23rd, 2012, 7,771 men, women, and children were identified as residing on the street or in temporary housing, including...
The NHC Strategic Plan for Ending Homelessness is now open for Comment.
The Northlake Homeless Coalition in the process of completing a community-informed strategic plan for ending homelessness within the five Northshore parishes. Entitled “Opening Doors Across Southeast Louisiana”, the Plan identifies the four Federal goals that...
Highlights of the 2013 Homeless Census – Northlake Homeless Coalition
May 16, 2013 – Through the work of twenty-three human service organizations, the annual count of persons experiencing homelessness took place during the week of February 25th, 2013. In total, two hundred seventy-six (276) men, women, and children were identified...