LSNDC Forms and Governance Documents


LSNDC Standard Policies and Procedures

This document details the policies and standard operating procedures that govern the operation of the Louisiana Services Network Management Information System (LSNDC System). It defines the roles and responsibilities of the Louisiana Services Network Data Consortium (LSNDC), the LSNDC System administrators, participating agencies, and Users accessing LSNDC System data. It includes important information on the way the LSNDC System data is secured and protected.

Every Agency and User accessing the LSNDC system is required to read and understand these Standard Operating Procedures. A signed copy must be on file with the Agency as well as being forwarded to the Regional LSNDC System Administrator prior to activation of the Agency.

LSNDC Agency Partner Agreement

This document provides the terms of the agreement between the LSNDC, the Regional LSNDC Lead Agency and the Participating Agency regarding the use and management of the LSNDC system. This agreement includes data sharing and confidentiality guidelines.

Every Agency is required to execute this document in order to gain access to the LSNDC system. A signed copy must be on file with the Agency as well as being forwarded to the Regional  LSNDC System Administrator prior to activation of the Agency.

LSNDC Account Request and Access Statement

This document informs the Regional System Administrator of a partner agency’s interest in adding a new user to the LSNDC and provides the RSA with key information for access parameters.

Following the execution of the LSNDC Agency Partner Agreement, the partenr agency must comlete and submit this document to the Regional System Administrator.  The submission must be completed prior to scheduling New User Training attendance.

LSNDC User Agreement

This document provides the terms and conditions under which the User shall utilize the LSNDC system. This agreement includes policies, code of ethics, and responsibility statements. Any User proven to be in non-compliance of these terms will be immediately terminated from entry processing by the Regional  LSNDC System Administrator.

Every User is required to execute this document in order to gain access to the LSNDC system. A signed copy must be on file with the Agency as well as being forwarded to the Regional  LSNDC System Administrator prior to activation of the User ID.

LSNDC Public Notice of Privacy Policy

This document provides written posting of the Privacy Policy of LSNDC and the Agency. This document is to be posted near every Client intake location and lobby.

Every Agency is required to post this document in all lobby and intake locations in plain view of all clients accessing services.

LSNDC General Release of Information (General ROI)

This document provides written documentation identifying the release of information agreements between the Agency and the Client specifically as it relates to LSNDC system entry. Once executed, the Agency maintains the signed document in the Client case file.

Every Agency utilizing the LSNDC system is required to have a current ROI for every client receiving services.

LSNDC Privacy Notice

This document provides written documentation to the Client identifying why and how their information is shared within the LSNDC system and also provides instructions on action steps should they feel their data is being misused by an Agency or their agent. Document is not signed by either the Agency or the Client. Agency maintains information in the Client case file that the Privacy Notice was provided to the Client.

Agencies are required to provide a copy of the Privacy Notice to any Client entering their program, whenever the document is requested.  It is the responsibility of the Agency to ensure that the Client understands his/her rights and privileges as it relates to the protection requirements of the data he/she shares through the LSNDC system.

LSNDC Consent for the Release of Confidential Information (Confidential ROI)

This document provides written documentation identifying the agreement between the Agency and the Client concerning the release to provide or obtain confidential and privileged information for a specified purpose and time frame. If executed, the Agency maintains the signed document in the Client case file.

Agencies utilizing the LSNDC system are required to execute this document for every client as it relates to physical, mental, substance abuse, HIV, psychotherapy, foster care, and sexually transmitted diseases. This document is supplemental to the General ROI and should only be used when information relating to any of these conditions is to be shared through the LSNDC system.

LSNDC Domestic Violence Release of Information (DV ROI)

This document provides written documentation identifying the agreement between the Agency and the Client concerning the release to provide or obtain confidential and privileged information as it relates specifically for domestic violence issues. If executed, the Agency maintains the signed document in the Client case file.

Agencies utilizing the LSNDC system that are not primarily domestic violence service providers, but who service this population are required to execute this document for every client relating to this condition.

LSNDC Client Grievance Form

This document provides a method for a Client to file a grievance in the event they believe their privacy rights have been violated through the use of the LSNDC system.

Every Agency is required to have this document available in the event that a client wishes to file a grievance against any agency regarding the privacy of their information within the LSNDC system.

LSNDC Data Quality Plan

This document establishes the policies and guidance for users of the LSNDC system to ensure that client data is entered accurately and in a timely manner.

Every Agency and User accessing the LSNDC system is required to read and understand the Data Quality Plan.